If you ever ask someone how they gained so much knowledge about their profession or their hobby, chances are they’ll tell you,”I read, and read, and read.” If you really want to become knowledgable in something, there’s no substitute to sitting down and taking the time to read about it.
When I was a teenager, the best book I ever came across for learning the basics and getting practical knowledge that I could immediately use for weight-lifting is hands down, Bill Pearl’s “Getting Stronger”. It has now been renamed to “Getting Stronger: Weight Training for Sports” but it’s still the same book.
This book, simply put, is amazing. A lot of the information that I routinely give out on this site both in articles and on the forums, when it comes to getting strong, stem from this book. The author, Bill Pearl, is a four time Mr. Universe, as well as a […]

Original post by rafael@thefitnessadviser.com (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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