Boise Fitness Boot CampOne of my self imposed mentors Craig Ballantyne recently did an interview with the world famous Dr. John Berardi, the owner of Precision Nutrition and I would like to pass along this information to you.

Boise’s Warrior Fit Body Boot Camp is looking out for you and providing the cutting edge-est (is that a word) information for your health and fitness.

So here they are:

CB: John, what are your post-workout nutrition recommendations? Do
they differ for overweight beginners compared to bodybuilders?

John Berardi:
In my opinion, if someone is training really hard with weights,
and is looking for a muscle building adaptation, you’d normally go
with a fast digesting protein-carb drink, maybe a two to one ratio,
drinking it during your training.

However, if someone is just exercising for a little fat loss I
think they can skip the post-workout drink all together.

If they’re not actually trying to force a big adaptation, grow
muscles, change the way that their muscle fibers perform under
endurance conditions, simply eating a healthy whole food meal is
recommended instead.

You’d use the same rules as we talked about earlier, eat whole food,
mostly plants, not too much, and I think they’re going to do fine.

So, I don’t necessarily think a post-workout drink would impede fat
loss, whether you drink it during or after, but I definitely think
it’s not necessary.

I like to keep it as simple as that. If you’re really trying to push
the envelope, and you’re truly trying to perform and grow, then yes,
these drinks are great.

CB: What are some of the simplest yet most effective changes that
a beginner can do for fat loss?

John Berardi:
Definitely a good question, Craig. With our coaching program, we
actually use a series of questionnaires and assessments to determine
what level a client is when they come to see us. There are generally
three levels that most clients fall into.

With beginner clients, we basically approach one habit at a time,
because people who are entirely new to eating well have a tendency
to become quite overwhelmed with the changes they have to make
through exercise and nutrition.

These are the people, who end up quitting early, or they try to
adopt 20 different habits at once, and they burn out after a couple
of months wondering what the heck happened.

With our coaching, we select one of the person’s habits that create
the biggest physiological change. I refer to this as the lowest
psychological resistance, and it’s an important combination. So,
what can you find has a big physical impact that someone can do

Well, for example, we have Lean Eating coaching. The first habit is
to start off with one gram of fish oil per one percent body fat.

When people are new to the program that’s the number one thing they
start with. We do that up to about 30 grams, so if someone is 20
percent body fat, they take 20 grams of fish oil a day. If they’re
30 percent, they take 30 grams a day.

We also have them throw a multivitamin in there each day. So, habit
number one is fish oil (one gram per percent body fat), and then a
multivitamin. We do this as the first habit because it’s really effective.

For starters, physiologically it kicks starts the body’s fat loss by
increasing metabolism, along with so many other benefits. It can
improve skin quality, and it helps you feel more full at each meal.

There’s also some new research showing that it fish oil impacts the
motivation “centers” in the brain. So, people may be more motivated
to follow their exercise plan as well as their good nutrition
habits when they’re taking fish oil at this dose.

On the psychological side it’s actually a habit that’s pretty easy
to do, and it fosters habit building and positive momentum.

Then every two weeks from there we add another habit. The second
habit in our program is eating the “most carb dense” meals after
exercise. This is another really effective one physiologically and

By eating our carb heavy foods like pastas, bread, rice, stuff like
that after exercise only is going to do something for you

The idea is to take better control of your overall calorie intake by
using the carbs when they are less likely to convert to body fat by
creating a menu that’s rich in proteins, veggies, and good fats
during the non-exercise periods.

This one simple habit helps us realign our entire diet allowing us
to start thinking about each meal a little more differently.

We’re also is doing something psychologically by creating a trigger
habit. You’ve got to earn those pastas, rice, and breads by
exercising first.

If you don’t plan on exercising then you want stick to the lower
density carbs like legumes and veggies, and lean proteins, BUT if
you do exercise you earn these other foods.


Good stuff huh?!

I highly recommend Prograge and their products.
Here is a link to their essential fatty acid product which includes all the health benefits and fat loss of fish/krill oil without the yucky fish burps.

Essential Fatty Acid Product Warrior Fit Recommends

And here are the recommended link for Multi-vitamins.

Multi-Vitamins for Women

Multi-Vitamins for Men

Now always keep in mind that you can never out train a bad diet. Your eating habits are still more important than exercise for fat loss.
Always eat whole, natural… locally grown foods when possible. The less it is process the better.

Live lean, Train hard and Love life,
-Darrin Walton
Warrior Fit Body Boot Camp
Boise, Idaho

Warrior Fit is a partner with Prograde so show the love and experience the benefits!

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Filed under: Fitness