This comment deserves a post of it’s own. From comments in Randomness.
Mamaelvis –
“Maybe you know all of the following, but just in case it helps you. (It helped me)
Making a tiny insignificant commitment to writing for even 2 focused minutes everyday almost always leads to writing a hell of alot more at a sitting just out of momentum.
Keeping a visible calendar with your successful commitment’s to those days reinforces that you are following through on your writing.
The other trick is saying to yourself that this is “only a rough draft” if you are stalling out of wanting that “definitive book” to fall out of you. It usually won’t & even if it did nobody needs perfection.
Huge books about diet filled with theory & studies are usually summed up in less then 20 pages.
I think that your strength is that you were not a lean teenage person & you […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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