Here’s a fun trick for you…
I want you to lift your shirt up…just a bit…and yes, I’m being serious.
Make sure no one is looking and just take a quick look at your stomach.
What’s staring back at you?
Maybe 6 pack abs…..but probably not (just guessing)
Your probably thinking:
‘Fat. Brad right now I’m staring at extra fat, at least a little more fat than I WANT to be seeing’

Let’s face it, the MAJORITY of us have at least a little more fat siting around our midsections than we would like, but I want to point something else out to you..
You are also looking at your DEBT.
Yep, that’s right – You PAID HARD EARNED MONEY for every single one of those calories sitting in the form of fat on your stomach!
Each roll, each dimple and every single ‘pucker’ the fat you don’t want, you paid for.
AND, even more devastating is that you pay HARD […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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