Over the past few years, a growing body of research indicates that acrilamyde (a substance produced when potatoes/corn et al are deep fried) can lead to heart disease, nervous system disorders and cancer.
Ironically, this means that the bag of potato and/or nacho chips you ate last night while watching House might just lead to a situation where you require the services of a real-life Greg House.
Ain’t irony grand?
Luckily for us Canadians, our socialized health care system has sprang into action and has devised a plan to solve this whole acrilamyde kerfluffle.
And how are they going to do this?

By implementing a public health campaign to reduce the consumption of crunchy snack foods?
By taxing products high in acrilamyde?


Health Canada wants snack food manufacturers to put small amounts of the enzyme asparaginase into their products prior to the deep frying process.

What is Asparaginase?
Asparaginase is an enzyme that hydrolyses an amino acid, asparagine, to […]

Original post by healthhabits

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