“My thoughts in IF, briefly, are that it’s a highly understudied area. The more research I review, the more I’ve come to find out how well-adapted the human species is to prolonged periods of zero food. There are several variants of IF, some are less conducive to typical recomp goals than others. I have come to appreciate many of the virtues of the incarnation of IF that Martin Berkhan has developed. In the past I have been highly critical of lower meal frequency, but much of that was a product of being stuck in the dogma of the mainstream curriculum. None of the ’stoking of the metabolic fire’ stuff has been solidly supported by research. Now, whether IF has any *special* effects remains anecdotal. I will concede that I was incorrect about my former negatively slanted stance towards IF. “
– Alan AragonRecent quote from the bodybuilding.com forums. He’s right on […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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