For those of you looking to strengthen your abs using “unconventional” style workouts, then exercise ball ab workouts are the way to go. The reason exercise ball workouts are so good is because by their very nature, all exercises done with the ball require core strength, including your abs. The second reason that the ball is so good is because it puts less strain on your back, allowing you to push your body harder and to avoid injury.

It’s also a nice change of pace from typical workouts and can be a lot of fun. I remember when I personally started doing push ups on the exercise ball. There wasn’t any real reason I added it to my exercise routine other than it was an enjoyable change of pace and I liked watching the core “balance” of my body improve (i.e. not falling off the ball!).
Before I go on to discuss […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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