Just some random stuff I’ve either discussed or thought about in the last few days.

1. The deadlift is poorly suited to a high training frequency. I’ve never derived any benefit from training the lift more than once per week; and even that is pushing it in terms of recovery if I’m squatting heavy within that same week. Generally speaking, I’ve had my best deadlift-sessions while training the no more than once every 8-12th day.
2. When increasing the weight for a movement, you need to pay attention to the percentage increase in load. This may seem like common sense, but people are prone to ignore it and only think of the increase in terms of poundage. Guys are sometimes stumped about why they lose a lot of reps when switching to a heavier set of dumbells. They go from 50 lbs x 8 for seated dumbbell presses to 55 lbs x […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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