pa href=”” rel=”lightbox[52160]“img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-47936″ src=”” alt=”weekend link love2″ width=”320″ height=”282″ title=”Weekend Link Love Edition 315″ //aSeveral weeks ago, Leslie Klenke appeared on KCRA in Sacramento to give a Primal cooking demo. This time, she#8217;s showing a group of teens how to exercise Primally. a title=”Workout like a caveman with paleo exercises” href=”″ target=”_blank”Check it out/a!/p
h4Research of the Week/h4
pAll it takes is a a title=”Millisecond Flashes of Light Phase Delay the Human Circadian Clock during Sleep” href=”″ target=”_blank”millisecond of light/a to disrupt your circadian rhythm during sleep./p
pIn women, a title=”Sleep and Sickness Absence: A Nationally Representative Register-Based Follow-Up Study” href=”″ target=”_blank”getting 7.6 hours of sleep is linked to fewer sick days/a. In men, it#8217;s 7.8./p
pIs there any other pursuit that people willingly engage in and proclaim to be supremely healthy where a title=”Crawling to the finish line: why do endurance runners collapse? Implications for understanding of mechanisms underlying pacing […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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