pimg class=”alignright” title=”Weights” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/weights.jpg” alt=”weights” width=”319″ height=”211″ /I#8217;m no stranger to spending the bulk of your time thinking about training, programming your training, planning your meals so that they support your training, modifying your training to affect your performance, and modifying your training to affect your a title=”Dear Mark: Body Composition Through the Years” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/body-composition-how-diet-and-exercise-affect-muscle-mass-and-body-fat/”body composition/a. I was an elite endurance athlete who dabbled extensively in strength training; I#8217;ve been there. I#8217;ve dug into the minutiae of it all. I#8217;ve reveled in perfecting my post-workout and pre-workout nutrition. It#8217;s fun, and a little addictive. And although I#8217;m no longer concerned with that stuff for a title=”This Is Why I Train” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/this-is-why-i-train/”my own training/a, I know that many MDZ readers care about it, so I try to keep up with the current research. Today#8217;s edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/dear-mark/”Dear Mark/a is all about training. Let#8217;s dig in./p
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blockquotepHey Mark,/p
pMy husband […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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HomeFitnessWorkouts Pin-Worthy Pin: The Sciene Behind HIIT Training Pin-Worthy Pin: The Sciene Behind HIIT Training July 23rd, 2012 HIIT. Sure, you have probably heard some rumblings about adding HIIT to your workouts. But what exactly is HIIT? HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is touted as one of the most effective fat burning tools out there.

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Pin-Worthy Pin: The Sciene Behind HIIT Training | Skinny Mom …

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51bc71cedbd0cb1f110009a6._w.540_s.fit_ This post was originally published on this site


“If you want zucchini,” says Garrison Keillor, in his drawling reminiscence of Lake Wobegon, the quintessential Midwest town too real to be real, “just go to church on Sunday. You’ll have all you can handle.” People in garden-minded towns should lock their car doors this time of year, or else they may find a large, moist sack of green monsters on their back seat. Do you have a sack of zucchini sitting on the front seat of your car, or on your kitchen counter? Want some fresh ideas?


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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Coconut Ginger Pork” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/CoconutGingerPork1.jpg” alt=”CoconutGingerPork1″ width=”320″ height=”213″ /Using a slow cooker is one of the easiest ways to get a hearty, healthy meal on the table with very little effort. If it’s a hot summer day and you want to cook a big meal without turning on the oven, a slow cooker is the answer. If the weather is frigid and you’re craving a title=”How to Turn One Roast into Several Amazing Meals” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/comfort-food-three-ways-how-to-turn-one-roast-into-several-amazing-meals/#axzz20vWrkfLF “comfort food/a, pull out the slow cooker. If you’re busy as all get-out and cooking is the last thing you want to do, the solution is – you guessed it – a slow cooker./p
pemSlow-Cooked Coconut Ginger Pork/em is a recipe that both slow cooker aficionados and newbies will love. A large cut of pork is slow cooked until tender and infused with the spicy, aromatic flavor of ginger, garlic and coconut milk. Salty, savory […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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div class=”breakout”
pIt’s Friday, everyone! And that means another a title=”Success Stories” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/success-story-summaries/”Primal Blueprint Real Life Story/a from a Mark#8217;s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me a title=”Contact Me!” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-book/share-success-story/” target=”_self”here/a. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!/p
pimg class=”alignright” title=”Primal Blueprint Real Life Story” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2009/real_life_stories_stories-1-2.jpg” alt=”real life stories stories 1 2″ width=”320″ height=”240″ /A few years ago, after watching my weight slowly creep up (along with my age and my blood pressure) I decided it was time to do something. Something different. I had struggled with weight issues since the age of 10 or so, and outside of a serious bout of anorexia nervosa, had been slightly overweight for years. It was one thing to be slightly overweight and […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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It is a fallacy that we workout for results.
It is also a fallacy that we eat the way we eat for results.
When you really think about it ‘results’ is actually a surrogate end point — Things that are believed to reflect the outcomes that are truly important, but that are NOT actually the things that are truly important.
As an example cholesterol is used as a surrogate endpoint in research where what we are really concerned with is reduced mortality. Another example is protein synthesis being a surrogate end point for actual increases in muscle size.
So why are ‘results’ a surrogate endpoint? Because I don’t think they are really what we are after.
We are after happiness. That’s the true endpoint. What we are really interested in.
Big muscles, weight loss, a lean body, six pack abs, these are results that make us happy.
So if happiness is the goal, and results are the […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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pemThis is a guest post from Jonathan Bailor of /ema title=”Amazon.com: The Smarter Science of Slim” href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0983520836/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8amp;tag=marsdaiapp07-20amp;linkCode=as2amp;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=0983520836″ target=”_blank”The Smarter Science of Slim/aem and a title=”JonathanBailor.com” href=”http://jonathanbailor.com/” target=”_blank”JonathanBailor.com/a./em/p
h3img class=”alignright” title=”Check, Check, Check” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/checklist3.jpg” alt=”checklist3″ width=”320″ height=”240″ //h3
h3strongExecutive Summary/strong/h3
pemstrongShort Version:/strong Primal has been proven right./em/p
pemstrongLonger Version:/strong Endorsed by the world-wide scientific community including top doctors at the Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins, and UCLA, and approved as curriculum for registered dieticians (RDs) by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the single largest meta-analysis of health and fitness ever conducted shows that conventional “eat less, exercise more” approaches are far less effective than going Primal, harm our health, and lead to fat gain 95.4 percent of the time./em/p
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h3I Had to Stop Doing The Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting Different Results/h3
pMuch like Mark, my journey into the science of wellness started because I was fed-up with the counterproductive nature of conventional […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Appetizing?” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/wheat2.jpg” alt=”wheat2″ width=”320″ height=”212″ /Within the Primal/paleo community and elsewhere, it#8217;s often stated offhandedly that wheat is addictive. And absolutely, wheat for many people feels like something they could never give up. I hear it all the time: #8220;I couldn#8217;t live without bread.#8221; #8220;What would I do without cereal, dinner rolls, toast, {insert your favorite grain-based food item here}.#8221; And wheat is often the main culprit in the sugar/insulin rollercoaster that drives a title=”What Does It Mean to Be Fat-Adapted? – Part 2: Qamp;A ” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-fat-adapted-part-2-qa/”sugar-burners#8217;/a need to eat (more wheat) every few waking hours. But is wheat addictive in a different sense #8211; as an opiate like heroine and other drugs? Today I take a look at the research and attempt to separate fact from fiction. What do we really know about wheat as an opiate? Let#8217;s find out#8230;/p
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pHumans and other animals have something called […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Psyllium Seed Husks” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/psylliumseedhusks.jpg” alt=”psylliumseedhusks” width=”320″ height=”212″ /I love doing these #8220;Is It Primal?#8221; posts. For one, the supply of topics is virtually limitless, because you guys are constantly sending in new foods and products for me to research. Two, I#8217;m learning a ton of new stuff. And it#8217;s not just specific foods I#8217;m learning about; it#8217;s also forcing me to think about health and what Primal actually means in new ways. There are plenty of times where I approach a particular entry with the assumption that it#8217;s definitely going to be Primal, or definitely not going to be Primal, only to be surprised by what a little more research shows. It can be disconcerting to have your beliefs challenged or even scrambled, but so be it. That#8217;s a small price to pay, right?/p
pLet#8217;s get to the foods. We#8217;re doing five today #8211; Paleo Bread, Bragg#8217;s Liquid […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Coconut Milk” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/coconutmilk.jpg” alt=”coconutmilk” width=”288″ height=”287″ /The milk of the coconut enjoys an exalted position among in our community. We prize its a title=”What Does it Mean to Be Fat-Adapted?” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-fat-adapted/#axzz20TlGyve0″ketone-generating/a prowess. We marvel at how it laughs off bile salts with nary a care and goes straight to digestion. Its tendency to shoulder aside longer-chain a title=”A Metabolic Paradigm Shift, or Why Fat is the Preferred Fuel for Human Metabolism ” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/a-metabolic-paradigm-shift-fat-carbs-human-body-metabolism/”fats/a in the acetyl-CoA line doesn#8217;t even come off as a jerk move. And when we find ourselves at southeast Asian eateries, coconut milk-based dishes are always a dependable option. It forms the basis of smoothies, curries, and refreshing summer drinks. Yet one question remains: does such a thing as too much coconut milk exist?/p
pFind out the answer to that question, plus several more, in this week#8217;s edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/dear-mark/”Dear Mark/a. Let#8217;s […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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