I subscribe to the idea, that the best diet is the one you can maintain in the long run. For me personally, this entails intermittent fasting and a cyclic approach of higher/lower carbs, plenty of protein and low/moderate fat. My main focus lies on high quality foods, with nutritious and satiating properties, and not discrimination towards a particular macronutrient.
I don’t believe there is any magic to be had when one is excluding fat or carbs from their diet. Both have their place. However, there are people that subscribe to a completely different set of opinions.
After watching the documentary Religulous(melding of “religion” and “ridiculous) yesterday, it dawned upon me how much some religious fundamentalists have in common with certain nutritional fundamentalists. In recent years, I have seen the rise of one group in particular. I prefer to call them the low carb talibans.
When I am using the term ‘fundamentalist’ here, I […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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