When many people hear the world “chips” the next thing that pops into their mind is “potatoes.” As we all know here, however, chips can be made out of any number of vegetables. Parsnips, beets and rutabagas work well and as Diana pointed out with her snack recipe submitted to the Primal Blueprint Cookbook Challenge (current theme: Primal Snacks), so do zucchini and yellow squash.
Diana uses a dehydrator to make her chips. But since not all of us have a dehydrator, let’s start with the kitchen oven. Although we’ll be honest: making chips of any kind in an oven is tricky. To get a crispy, crunchy chip that isn’t burned, the slow method is best. And by slow, we mean practically a whole day at your oven’s lowest possible heat level.  Some people recommend leaving the door slightly cracked so air can circulate. If you don’t have that kind of […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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