Complete 5 cycles:
20 Walking Weighted Lunges
14 Single Arm Overhead Press (7 each arm)
10 Single Leg Deadlift (5 each leg)
16 Single Arm Bent Over Row (8 each arm)

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg).
I emphasize compound, full body movements, because they mimic the way we use our bodies in a natural setting and they give us the most bang for the buck by employing multiple muscles at once. Squats beat leg extensions, pullups beat bicep curls, and overhead presses beat lateral shoulder raises. But what about unilateral movements? Instead of using both limbs to move a weight, you’re using a single limb to move it. It’s still a compound movement that uses a full range of motion and lots of muscles – it just sticks to one side of the body.
These are valuable additions to any routine, because many of our actions are unilateral […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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