Earlier this month, the NY Times ran an article entitled The New Age Cavemen and the City.
And it sent the Paleo/Primal/Caveman online community into a frenzy.
Never before had this niche community received such mainstream attention.
It’s too bad that the Paleos interviewed for the story came off as a bunch of New York hipster douchebags.
Now, instead of not knowing what Paleo is, people are going reference this article and assume that Paleo means:

Eating raw meat
Or running barefoot on New York streets
Except when we’re running around Central Park on all fours
Or throwing rocks at each other
Or eating with our hands
And my personal favorite – bloodletting

From now on, Paleo = Crazy-Ass New York Hipster Douchebag.
And that’s too bad.
Because if more people jumped on the Paleo bandwagon, we would see a drastic reduction in:

Love Handles
Muffin Tops
Fat Kids
Fat Parents
Diet Menus at Taco Bell
you get the idea.

So, Now That I Have Convinced You To Reconsider Going […]

Original post by healthhabits

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