What is the maximum muscular potential of a natural trainer and what does it take to get there? That’s the topic I’m going to revisit today.

I’ve talked about the maximum muscular potential before in the short article “What’s my Genetic Muscular Potential”, where I presented a formula based on a person’s height and body weight on competition day or in “peak condition” (i.e. 5-6% body fat).

A No Bullshit Formula

The formula is simple, yet surprisingly accurate and predictive of real world results.

The formula goes as follows:

(Height in centimeters – 100) = Body weight in kilo (“shredded”, i.e. 5-6% body fat).

Example: If your height is 180 cm (5’11), subtract 100 and you get 80.

80 kg (176 lbs) is your maximum muscular potential when you are in peak condition; rock hard abs with visible veins running across them, striated arms and delts, and so forth. Scroll down a bit to see […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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