[I have a serious question about this picture. Is this a “belly shirt” or did she roll up a normal shirt specifically for this picture. What do you think?]
If you’ve ever wondered how to tone your stomach – you’ve come to the right place. In fact, tons of people think getting 6 pack abs is one of those things regulated only to some athletes and models. But it doesn’t have to be so, because almost anyone get 6 pack abs if they follow the right steps. Here are the 3 easy steps you have to follow to get 6 pack abs and a flat stomach:

Step 1: Exercise
Step 2: Diet.
Step 3: Repeat

Yes, I know it seems like I’m oversimplifying – but I want you to see how the basic idea behind getting 6 pack abs is NOT rocket science. As long as you keep to step 3 and consistently exercise and diet […]

Original post by rafael@thefitnessadviser.com (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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