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Name: Brittany Pryor


Age: 29


Location: Las Vegas, Nevada




What does being a Girl Gone Strong mean to you?

A Girl Gone Strong is someone who realizes “Strength is never a weakness” and is determined to make herself stronger in every aspect (mentally, physically, emotionally/spiritually) of her life, She is unstoppable and in full control of her present and her future! Definitely a force to be reckoned with!


How long have you been training?

Wow…. This would be my 11th year training and competing in strength sports. It has gone by so fast.  Time flies when you’re having fun!


How did you get introduced to strength training?

Here is the short version of my journey:  I started as a Track and Field athlete in high school then continued in college. I had dreams of becoming one of the best throwers in the country and eventually the world.  Four years ago I moved from New York to Hawaii to continue to work on my dreams of being a Track and Field Olympian. After a few roadblocks and obstacles I am currently living in Las Vegas, training for Powerlifting, Highland Games and Strongwoman.




Needless to say, sometimes things don’t work out as you plan, but you can make the best out of each situation. I have had wonderful experiences along the way, meeting the most amazing people and having many rewarding opportunities to inspire others and be inspired myself! Today I am where I want and need to be!


What does a sample workout look like for you?

Every workout starts out with a running warm up. Either outside or on stationary machine. Sometimes I run for a distance, other times I run for a time. I also incorporate at least three days of HIIT training a week. I’ve noticed Powerlifters seem to be mostly anti-cardio, but I go against the grain. I do not mind standing out. I am an athlete. I want to be competitive in any explosive/strength activity! I support sprinting and HIIT cardio!


Highland Games Training: Throw until you are tired. Then throw a little more. Work on technique.




Powerlifting: I have 3 main training days. Every day is a full body day, but the intensity varies.  I create my plans depending on my goal. Here is a sample week:

Day 1

  • Bench
  • Incline Bench
  • RDL
  • Tricep/Bicep
  • Back Circuit
  • Core Work/Abs

Day 2

  • Squat
  • Straight-Leg RDL
  • DB Bench
  • Good Morning
  • Leg Extension
  • Core Work/Abs



Day 3

  • Deadlift
  • Deficit Deadlift
  • Shrugs
  • Glute-Ham Raise
  • Leg Curl
  • Core Work/Abs

Alternate days

Clean, Snatch, Leg Circuit, Arm Circuit, Sprint, Hills, Agilities, Speed work, Plyos, Dynamics, Core Work/Abs, Prowler, Sleds, Resistance training


Strongwoman: I am still trying to figure this one out!


Brittany and her sister, with Strongman Benni Magnusson.


Brittany and her sister, with Strongman Benni Magnusson.


I try to record everything! It’s important to make conscious efforts to understand your body. More than just the physical exercises, it is important to be aware of how much sleep is needed, what food/fuel gives you the best results, along with what movements you need to work on. It is important that you are active in taking ownership for what you do inside and outside of the gym. Everything has a correlation. The workout is only a portion of your success. Sleeping, fueling and your environment all play a major part in how effective and successful you will be.
I don’t  believe one program is superior to another. Try different programs and techniques. Give it time and be open to change!  I have tried countless programs and methods over the past 11 years, and I‘ve found every program has some elements that have been useful in creating a program that is specific to my needs.


Favorite Lift:

I have a love/hate relationship with the deadlift. I am obsessed with reverse hypers though! If Santa brings me a reverse hyper this Christmas, I will want for nothing else!



At Olympia 2014.


Most memorable PR:

It was in training at my last deadlift session before Olympia last year. I was having trouble pulling 534. I just could not get it move. My training partner Stan Efferding, suggested I start the lift at the top position. I did not think I could complete one rep but I tried it anyway! Once I held it in my hands, I just went with it. I even forgot the plan of two touch and go reps. I pulled it twice from a dead stop! Who knew?!?!  In the video of the lift you can see that Stan just as stunned as I was! Then you can see my other training partner walking away because I was sandbagging!


Top 5 songs on your training playlist:

I can give you artists!

  1. Linkin Park
  2. Breaking Benjamin
  3. Nicki Minaj
  4. Luke Bryan
  5. Sam Smith

Really, I can train to anything!


Top 3 things you must have with you at the gym/in your gym bag:

Belt, Bright Colored Socks, The Kooler®


Do you prefer to train alone or with a training partner? Why?

I like training with a group. It’s what I’m used to and have almost always done. Everyone sees different things, and everyone pushes you differently. I also like training with a training partner because they make for better handlers than someone who doesn’t know your idiosyncrasies. (I am a bit of a Diva when it comes to my meet preparation.) Since no one wants to run with me, I run alone mostly. Sometimes I can recruit people for conditioning, but most of the time it’s solo.



Most hilarious pick-up line you’ve heard at the gym:

“Oh, so you do 315 on the bench? That’s nice. But how much can you do on the smith machine?”


Most embarrassing gym moment:

Every time I do box jumps. It takes me about 5 minutes just to prepare to jump on the box. I approach it about 33 times before I make my first jump! It’s pretty weird.


Favorite meal:

My mom’s pasta salad or any food from the Western New York Region


Favorite way to treat yourself:  

Heels and bright clothes!




Favorite quote:  

“Because somewhere out there a girl is warming up with your max!”



Favorite book:

Hmmmm. I like watching Anime. Subbed never dubbed.


What inspires and motivates you?

I have different sources of inspiration and motivation. My internal motivation tells me “no matter how many times you fail, if you continue to be persistent you will accomplish more than you can imagine.”
My external inspiration is seeing people make progress in their respective challenges. It is difficult for me to give up when I know there are so many people out there making “gains” despite their situations.




What does a typical day look like for you?  (From waking up to bedtime)

Work, Train, Eat, Sleep — in no particular order.


What is the coolest “side effect” you’ve noticed from lifting heavy?

I can count by 45s faster than most people!


Next training goal:

  • Powerlifting: 600lb Deadlift, 315 Bench, 500 Squat (in a meet)
  • Highland Games: 19ft in WOB, get a perfect caber score, take the world record for hammer
  • Strongwoman: Compete this year


What are you most grateful for you in your life?

Oh this is hard…   I am grateful for the ability to give back to others.


What life accomplishment are you most proud of thus far?

I am very proud of the person I am today! I am the person who stands up for others, the person not afraid to show my weaknesses and a woman who marches to the beat of her own drum!


mana team ipl


If you had to choose 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be?

Trailblazer, confident, free-thinker


How has lifting weights changed your life?

Lifting has allowed me to meet some of the greatest people I have ever known. It allows me to inspire others and keeps a healthy balance in my life.


What do you want to say to other women who might be nervous to start lifting heavy?

  1. Do not wait to start. Just do it! (I wouldn’t go max on your first day, baby steps!) It is a gradual process. It isn’t overnight. You get what you give.
  2. No excuses, if you want something do it! — You will not get too big; you will not become too bulky. The biggest thing you can expect to gain is increased confidence, a better self-image and the strength to become better than you were yesterday.
  3. Ask questions! Many people are willing to help you start on your  fitness/strength journey. I am always willing to get you on your way. (When asking your local inspiration of where to start and where to go, remember results are not always quick and easy.) This also involves doing your own personal research!
  4. Don’t quit!


Also, if you are in the Las Vegas Area, you are always welcome to train with me as long as you are motivated to become better!


Always remember “Strength is NEVER a weakness.”  – Mark Bell



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