I’ve been getting a lot of questions about fasted state exercise lately. Specifically, people want to know if it’s OK to exercise while they are doing their Eat Stop Eat fasts.
I’m still of the school of thought that it doesn’t matter WHEN you train, as long as you’re training consistently, but for the sake of argument I’d like to explore this concept.
The general idea is that by performing exercise at the end of a fast, you are burning more fat (This is the main idea behind fasted state morning cardio).
From this the general premise we seem to get the following idea – Use your fasts to optimize the fat burning of your exercise.
Based on this I would suggest that we have the entire concept backwards.
As a conservative estimate an hour long cardio session may burn an additional 500 Calories..so fasting to optimize this calorie burn seems a little silly considering […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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