From time to time I’ll get an email from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader that just throws me for a loop. It might be esoteric, simply outside of my core knowledge, or just downright strange. Still other questions are best answered by consensus.
When enough of these spill into my inbox I’ll crowdsource the questions, opening them up to the infinite wisdom of the MDA community. This has resulted in some great discussions in the past (Dear Readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Well, it’s that time again. Help out a fellow MDAer with a response in the comment board. Thanks, everyone!

Question 1
I’ve been reading your blog for some time, but looked at it in a new light after hearing you on The Art of Manliness podcast.
I have to say, the Primal Blueprint is basically a very exact way to spell out how I’ve thought about food for a while – what […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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