pstrongThe Prize:/strong/p
pimg class=”alignright” title=”Kangaroo Pro” src=”” alt=”Picture10″ width=”288″ height=”256″ //p
pWhen we spend most of our waking life sitting (or, even worse, slumping over) in a chair, a title=”Sitting is Unhealthy” href=”” target=”_self”we invite disaster/a. Sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day is unnatural and harmful to our health, which is why I a title=”16 Tips for Desk Jockeys: What to Do About Sitting All Day” href=”” target=”_self”recommend/a standing and staying active during the workday. If you haven#8217;t yet stood up against workplace sitting today is the day. Courtesy of stronga title=”Ergo Desktop” href=”” target=”_blank”Ergo Desktop/a/strong comes the stronga title=”Kangaroo Pro” href=”” target=”_blank”Kangaroo Pro/a/strong, an adjustable height desk unit. This makes it easy to switch back and forth between standing and sitting (because hey, standing for 8 hours straight is no good, too). It retails for $499. As if that wasn#8217;t enough, the winner of today#8217;s contest will also […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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