The best way to celebrate your 29th birthday is with some good old cheesecake mastery. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.

The official Leangains Cheesecake (TM) weighing in at a respectable 7 lbs.

This one was au naturele. No cherries, no blueberries, no raspberries, no nothing. A no bullshit cheesecake. I actually prefer it that way because I want to be able to add whatever I damn please. Whipping cream, peanut butter, more whipping cream, etc.

I tried it with protein fluff this time around. Fits perfect. The protein fluff above is made with blackberries by the way. I should probably do a protein fluff special some time. Making perfect fluff is an art and my techniques have evolved by leaps and bounds.

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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