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Want to get bigger and stronger? Here’s one question you can use to figure out which exercises to choose.

Note: Charles is here on a weekly basis to help you cut through the B.S. and get some real perspective regarding health and training. Please post feedback or questions directly to Charles in the comments below this article.


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Gone are the days when you would see big-name artists — like Warhol, Harring, and Chagall — collaborating with liquor companies to produce limited-edition bottles. The newest trend in artist bottles takes a page from the streetwear playbook and looks to a set of unknowns.


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Want to get bigger and stronger? Here’s one question you can use to figure out which exercises to choose.

Note: Charles is here on a weekly basis to help you cut through the B.S. and get some real perspective regarding health and training. Please post feedback or questions directly to Charles in the comments below this article.


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While I love pumpkin in all its sweet applications — pie, ice cream, cookies, cake — I always forget it has a savory side, too. Maybe that’s because I’ve been missing out on one very crucial way to use pumpkin in a savory capacity: baked pumpkin fries.


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Nordic Ware Ghost Cake Pan

• $31.96


Halloween is still a month away, but cobwebs and orange lights are already appearing on the lawns in my neighborhood. What can I say? I think we’re all ready for fall. I’m not so adept at Halloween, however; it seems to require a level of craftiness that is beyond me. Well, not this cake pan — if you want a sweet and spooky Halloween centerpiece, this pan does almost all of the work for you.


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Have you ever why so many athletes “forget” how to successfully complete a movement they’ve done hundreds of times?

Watching an athlete choke can be one of the most difficult, and at the same time, engaging moments to witness. Like watching the scene of a car accident, we just can’t look away. What happens to athletes in these moments?


In this article, we will discuss overthinking in high-pressure situations, a problem common to many, and what you can do to get past it.


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Have you ever why so many athletes “forget” how to successfully complete a movement they’ve done hundreds of times?

Watching an athlete choke can be one of the most difficult, and at the same time, engaging moments to witness. Like watching the scene of a car accident, we just can’t look away. What happens to athletes in these moments?


In this article, we will discuss overthinking in high-pressure situations, a problem common to many, and what you can do to get past it.


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Avoid injury by finding balance between your combat sport and your conditioning. This three training day plan will send you in the right direction.

It’s easy to get derailed when you train for a sport. With so much to balance – from skills training, to strength and conditioning, to whatever flexibility is needed for the sport, to recovery processes – it can seem like a minefield. And if the sport is a fighting art it gets even trickier, as you’re constantly trying to recover from minor injuries as well.


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Avoid injury by finding balance between your combat sport and your conditioning. This three training day plan will send you in the right direction.

It’s easy to get derailed when you train for a sport. With so much to balance – from skills training, to strength and conditioning, to whatever flexibility is needed for the sport, to recovery processes – it can seem like a minefield. And if the sport is a fighting art it gets even trickier, as you’re constantly trying to recover from minor injuries as well.


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