I spend a lot of my time reviewing research. Enough time that I can tell you that there are definitely GREAT research papers, and then there are HORRIBLE ones that make you scratch your head trying to figure out how they ever were published in the first place.
Truthfully there are many more papers that seem to fall in the horrible category the truth is, even the worst paper ever published still has some value.
There is no such thing as research with absolutely no value.
While these seems like a typical ‘Pilon ramble’ let me assure you…we’re talking about bodybuilding.
You see for some reason, over the last decade we decided that bodybuilding is dumb, useless, and a complete waste of time.
We junked bodybuilding and replaced it with functional training, sports specific training and the like.
We threw out bodybuilding before we completely understood it.
And just like research papers, there is no such thing […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Despite our recent spate of posts extolling the many and varied benefits of heavy resistance training, I’ve actually been moving away from the weight room for a couple reasons. Foremost is my desire to stay active and as injury-free as possible. While I still wholeheartedly endorse and believe in lifting hard and lifting heavy, at my age I’m starting to realize that the potential for injury – at least for me, personally – is too great to risk spending three days lifting heavy things on a weekly basis. At this point in my life, my motivation is simply different. I’m not really interested in pushing myself to the limit, let alone past the limit (realistically, those days are behind me); I’m instead focusing on maintaining my current performance. It’s almost a Buddhist thing where I’m content with my strength and my body (and have been for a long time now), […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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YouTube – Boxing

The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program 
Combat Core Strength: Advanced Torso Training for Explosive Strength and Power

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Original post by dominic Paris

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Yesterday, I opened up a can of whoop-ass on the Health/Fitness/Obesity industry.
I argued that it was wrong of the “experts” to abandon their clients and deflect all of the blame for their fitness failures on a simple lack of willpower.
And based upon your comments, you agree…sort of.
You agreed that the health/fitness industry is pretty slimy and that a lot of the “experts” play off our insecurities and our desire for a quick & easy fix.

But, you weren’t so quick to let the consumer off the hook. Like a bunch of libertarians, you were willing to accept responsibility for your own health & fitness.
And I applaud you for that.
If only there was a way for the rest of the world to learn from your example…
If only Erin and Julie and Matt and Diane and Arielle had a forum to share their experiences about health & fitness.
Oh wait, they do…it’s called […]

Original post by DR

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Symmetry is a beautiful thing. It seems to be nature’s preferred state, at least in the structure of organisms: two eyes for stereoscopic vision (the better to hunt you with), two legs of equal length for injury-free traversal of the environment, two hands, two arms. For all intents and purposes, the two sides of the body are approximate mirror images of each other, with corresponding muscles and ligaments and tendons. Our anatomical symmetry is obviously a product of evolution, because a balanced body simply works better. Kids born with right legs an inch or two shorter than the left are more prone to injury, just as cars with bigger wheels on the left will be more prone to disrepair. Objective human beauty is determined by symmetry of the facial structure, as if we’re innately drawn to balance. A balanced body structure, too, is objectively attractive, because it connotes strength and […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Original post by healthhabits

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Maimonides once wrote that he who sleeps for 8 hours in the night will accomplish more due to his higher energy level than one who had only slept for 4. This was true in the 11th century, and it is true now in the 21st century.
Why is Sleep So Important?
Sleep helps to improve concentration, organize your memory, deeply set into your mind what you learned during the day, and much, much more. It also releases growth hormones that are key to restoring and repairing your physical body.
How Sleep Works.
Sleep is made up of “sleep cycles.” Each cycle is made up of 4 stages. Drowsiness, Light Sleep, Deep Sleep (associated with phyical healing and giving strength to the immunity system), and Deep Sleep with REM or Rapid Eye Movement (associated with mental and emotional healing). Each cycle lasts around an hour and a half. Ever wake up after sleeping for […]

Original post by rafael@thefitnessadviser.com (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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“Losing weight” is insufficient terminology. It’s too vague, too unspecific. When a person sets out to lose weight, just what are they trying to lose? Bone density? Muscle mass? Organ weight? Of course not – they’re generally looking to lose adipose tissue. People want to burn body fat, and they want to do it without negatively impacting the more beneficial sources of (corporeal) gravitas. Simply put, you want to lose fat, not muscle. The only problem is that the popular methods for shedding weight often result in excessive (but really, any amount is excessive) muscle loss, too. I’m talking, of course, about precisely the practices I rail against in the Primal Blueprint – Chronic Cardio, ultra low-cal/low-fat ascetic dieting, and other trappings of Conventional Fitness Wisdom. Granted, adhering to any, individually or in concert, will probably help you lose weight, but a ton of it will come from your lean […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Aaaaarrrgggghhhhh……I am so frustrated.
Yesterday, I met with new client for the first time.
Over the past 30+ years, this woman has tried and failed to lose 20 pounds and get into “shape”

She has consulted with doctors and trainers and nutritionists and naturopaths.
She has bought books and magazines and dvds and subliminal audio programs.
She has starved herself of calories and fat and carbs.
She has run and jumped and stretched and lifted and sweated…a lot.
She has taken thousands of pills and potions.
She has rubbed on various creams and lotions.

In short, she has done just about everything that every popular health/fitness/weight-loss expert has told her to do.
And yet, she has never really come close to achieving her health & fitness goals.
And she blames herself.
And so do the experts.
They told her that their program was guaranteed to work…but only if she followed their instructions with perfect compliance.
So, when the program failed, it was because she […]

Original post by DR

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Diet Book Review

The truth is, I’m having a crazy  busy day…funny how Monday’s are like that.
But, I really wanted to write a post about diet books today, and I had a point that I REALLY wanted to share with you, but I simply did not have  enough time to write a nice wordy post…so I quickly jotted some notes down and realized that they had almost formed some sort of really poor  haiku.
…so smiled and had some fun with it.
I hope you like it.

The thing with Diet Books –
They all have to have a catch
This part is what sells.

Eat less and move more
The truth with no hook, no catch.
No secret science.

Hormones and Enzymes
Make for great diet book titles
but the truth remains –

Eat less and move more.

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Original post by Brad Pilon

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