Old School Muscle Building

We live in the information age. There’s so much knowledge being fed to us every second with so little time to actually digest it, that we end up more confused than when we started. This is also what’s happening with the fitness advice of today. There’s so much information on new “special techniques to get you strong”, that we forget about the simple, core exercises that have been proven to work for decades. In that spirit, I’ve listed the three core exercises for building muscle.

[I have no idea what I was thinking when I put in this picture.]
It’s Time To Get Old School
There’s a reason doing 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions has been so popular up until now for building muscle. It’s because it’s simple, and it works. If you’re looking to put on muscle, find a weight that for your particular exercise, you can’t do more than 10 repetitions […]

Original post by rafael@thefitnessadviser.com (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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(This is the second part of a four part series on fitness. Part 1: What Does it Mean to Be Fit?)
Yesterday, I explored the malleable meaning of fitness, including how our ideas of fitness (both reproductive and physical alike) have drastically changed over history. What began as a reliable indicator of a person’s ability to survive and provide for his or her family or tribe has lost its urgency, and becoming fit in the modern world is now a choice, rather than a necessity for reproductive survival.
Or is it?

Putting aside the potential long-term health and longevity benefits conferred by optimum human fitness (to be discussed later), there are still certain timeless, universal advantages to being fit. And no, I’m not talking about stuff like tool making, hunting, interpersonal combat, hard physical labor – all classic human activities that undoubtedly see a boost when the actor is fit, but they aren’t […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Resistance Stretching

In yesterday’s post, I introduced you to microStretching.
Today, it’s Resistance Stretching….made famous by 40-something Olympic and World champion Dara Torres.

In 2008, Resistance Stretching was Dara’s secret weapon at the Olympic Games in Beijing where she won three silver medals, broke her own personal best time in the 50m freestyle (trailing the gold medalist by 1/100th of a second) and became the oldest Olympic swimming medalist in history.

Dara’s success as an older athlete is what got me interested in Resistance Stretching (RS).
So, I contacted Dara’s RS gurus Steve Sierra and Anne Tierney and grilled them with questions.
Here is some of what they had to say…
What is Resistance Stretching?
Resistance Stretching is based on the theories that:

The stretching effect occurs during the entire movement of the muscle while it is being contracted, not just at the end point of the stretch…unlike traditional static stretching.
A muscle must contract while elongating for a true stretch. […]

Original post by DR

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The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program 
Combat Core Strength: Advanced Torso Training for Explosive Strength and Power

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Original post by dominic Paris

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What Does it Mean to Be Fit?

(This is the first part of a four part series on fitness.)

The capacity of an organism to survive and transmit its genotype to reproductive offspring as compared to competing organisms
The ability to conduct oneself in physically demanding situations; to function effectively in emergencies; to display superior body composition and aptitude in matters of strength, cardiovascular capacity, power expression, reaction time, speed, agility, flexibility; to evince generally superior health and resistance to injury and disease

In Grok’s time, both definitions of fitness were inextricably linked. In fact, I’d argue a Paleolithic hominid organism’s reproductive fitness almost completely relied upon his physical fitness level, whereas today’s humans wield various currencies, both immaterial and tangible, that predict their reproductive fitness irrespective of their physical strength, stamina, or endurance. A person’s bank account, education, or employment status are all considered to be better predictors of reproductive fitness. The ability to whip out a debit card […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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We all know how to stretch….right?
Bend over, touch your toes and hold for 30 seconds.

So, why is it that after years and years of static stretching after each and every workout, my hip flexors, hamstrings, abductors, calves, traps, pecs and entire shoulder girdle were always uber-tight and I was suffering from lower back spasms every few months?

Could it be that what we thought was right wasn’t?
Could it be that just about every personal trainer in the world is wrong?
Could it be that Mr. Toe Touch was wasting his time and perhaps even making things worse?

This is where I found myself about a year ago.
So I went looking for another way to stretch my tight muscles back into balance.
And I found two very different techniques that worked very well for me.
Today, I am going to introduce you to microStretching.

more about “Micro Stretching“, posted with vodpod

For those of you that need more […]

Original post by DR

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Simple, Easy Diet Tip

Easy Diet Tip for the days you aren’t fasting:
Eat one small meal
Eat one medium meal
Eat one large meal
Have a couple snacks when you feel like it.
It doesn’t matter which meal is which size, so play with it and see what you like best.
My personal routine is typically medium breakfast (600-ish calories), Small lunch (300-400-ish Calories) big dinner (800-1000+ Calories) and a couple snacks
Obviously what is ’small, medium, and large’ depends on you, your goals and your activity levels…so you need to personalize it a bit, but regardless this is a great tool for preventing every meal from becoming a feast.
Simple and effective.

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Researchers have discovered a cutting edge technique to help senior citizens improve the elasticity of their arteries – thereby reducing their risk of heart disease and stroke.
Led by Dr. Kenneth Madden, the researchers were able to reduce arterial stiffness by 15 to 20% in only 3 months time.
But wait, it gets better.
Unlike most cardiovascular treatments, the cost of this new cure-all is…….nothing, zero, nada, rien…it’s free.
It’s free because the treatment is:
Exercise instead of drugs…who would have thought of that???
The Study
Dr. Madden divided his test subjects into two groups.

The first group performed one hour of vigorous physical activity for one hour, three times a week for three months.
The second group continued to live a sedentary lifestyle.

Subjects were classified as sedentary at the beginning of the study but gradually increased their fitness levels until they were working at 70 per cent of their maximum heart rate, using treadmills and cycling machines. They […]

Original post by DR

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It’s a common question I get: how to graciously decline the proudly presented delicacy, the traditional or long-labored sweet, the celebratory dessert. Like it or not, desserts are woven into our cultural doings and gatherings. As one reader put it recently, “I’ve been trying to go quasi-primal for about 6 months and have had very good results. A challenging situation that I’ve experienced is declining dessert offers from friends who LOVE to bake. How do I politely decline a chef’s generosity without offending them?”

Anyone who’s been doing the Primal diet for a while now has probably found him/herself in this sticky situation. Maybe it’s dinner at the home of your spouse’s boss, lunch with your daughter’s future in-laws, a long-awaited weekend at an old friend’s house or a birthday celebration with your grandmother. Whatever the setting, the sensation is the same – that sinking, burdened feeling when the host […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program 
Combat Core Strength: Advanced Torso Training for Explosive Strength and Power

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Original post by dominic Paris

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